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Corporate Sustainability and Social Responsibility
Corporate Sustainability and Social Responsibility

31/10/2023 16:00 -
02/11/2023 - 19:00

Corporate Sustainability and Social Responsibility

Κατηγορία: Νομικά

European Legal Training Center



In this dynamic and insightful seminar, we delve into the pivotal role of Corporate Sustainability and Social Responsibility in the ever-evolving business landscape, with a focus on the latest reporting obligations introduced by the new EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). Aimed at professionals, business leaders, and decision-makers in Greece, this seminar is designed to shed light on the significance of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria and how it shapes the future of organizations.

As ESG criteria emerge as a crucial passport for business development and, in some cases, survival, it is imperative for companies to understand and embrace these principles to thrive in the competitive market. The CSRD brings forth new responsibilities for companies to disclose relevant ESG information, and we will provide comprehensive insights on how to navigate and comply with these reporting obligations.

Furthermore, we will delve into the growing influence of ESG considerations on various stakeholders. Investors, employees, and customers are increasingly placing importance on companies’ ESG strategies, practices, and performance when making crucial decisions regarding investment, employment, and partnerships. Organizations that fail to develop a robust ESG strategy may face reputational risks and even the loss of potential opportunities.

The adoption of ESG investing is on the rise, and this shift in the investment landscape poses a significant threat to organizations that have not prioritized sustainable and socially responsible practices. During the seminar, we will discuss the potential risks and challenges that companies may encounter if they do not adapt to the changing expectations of investors and society at large.

Aims of the seminar:

Understanding what is meant by ESG, Sustainable Finance, CSR and new CSRD.
ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) has become an increasingly pivotal area of consideration for organizations in recent years.
All large companies are expected to meet reporting requirements by investors, boards of directors, and increasingly by governments.
The goal of managing ESG initiatives is for public companies and SMEs, subject to EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)[14/12/2022] to ensure their long-term sustainability.
The shift to ESG (Environmental Social and Governance) priorities at the European level (through the EU Green Deal) and at the global level (through the UN’s sustainability strategy) is a reality that directly affects the financial services industry through the promotion of sustainable or green finance.
Having a sound knowledge of ESG factors is becoming key to successful business and investment management.
Financial market participants, bankers, assets and fund managers are constantly monitored by all stakeholders and investors have to and need to respond to a widening range of client ESG concerns.
Rising awareness of the dangers of climate change, natural resource depletion and economic sustainability that are all reflected in a rapidly evolving regulatory framework (at least for EU countries).
Human and social issues include better education, improved living standards and other issues broadly grouped under social responsibility or inequality.
Industry ESG metrics, benchmarks and ratings as well as regulatory considerations have become part of the investment decision-making process.


Stay one step ahead of your competitors!

1. Be up to date with the upcoming legal changes in order to have a clear understanding of how your organisation may be affected;

2. Enhance your knowledge and develop your skills to be able to fully comply with the amended legal framework;

3. General guidance and considerations in order to improve your ability to update your policies, procedures, business plan, and goals, in the line with the amendments introduced by the new legal framework;

4. Increase your ability to respond effectively to legal changes and facilitate implementation of the new requirements which may be applicable to your organisation.



What are the benefits?

UNIT 1: ESG and the New Growth Drivers

The ESG Factors and the Strategy Implications
ESG and Corporate Practices (Governance): Growth development model
ESG, Sustainability & Fundraising
The Board of Directors and how it relates to ESG, Sustainability & Growth and Investors
Sustainable Finance Financial Management and its importance for the company’s Growth
Bankability Finance, EU Funding and the EU Green Deal
Decision Making: Improving the Corporate Practices of Reporting as per new CSRD reposting obligations.
Social Responsibility and Accountability due to new Reporting Obligations – EU CSRD
Record Keeping and data protection.
Stakeholders and Investor decisions incorporating the ESG factors.

UNIT 2: Corporate Governance and New CSRD Directive

Background to the CSRD
Reminder of the framework of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD)
Reminder of the impact of the EU Taxonomy Regulation on non-financial reporting
Who is covered and by whom?
What is covered?
Reporting requirements
The 13 reporting standards
Reporting requirements for SMEs
Comparison reporting requirements NFRD / CSRD
Assurances & digital tagging

For natural persons, the cost of the seminar is €150 + VAT (+€28,50). Payment methods: credit/debit card bank transfer ‍ For legal persons The cost of the seminar is €150 + VAT (+€28,50). If the legal person is registered under the VAT, the amount of €28,50 is not added to the final sum and the total cost will be €150. This seminar is not funded.
Σε ποιους απευθύνεται:
· Corporate Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Officers · Auditors · Credit Institutions · Lenders · Borrowers · Young entrepreneurs · Lawyers · Financial advisors · Finance Market Participants, Asset/ Fund Managers


31/10/2023 16:00 -
02/11/2023 - 19:00

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